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Made for This Birth

Baby's Breech...Now What?!
While the majority of babies will turn head down (cephalic) by 36 weeks of pregnancy, about 4-5% will choose a breech position. This...

Questions for a Doula Interview
There is no doubt there is ample evidence to support the use of a doula before and during birth. Having a non-clinical support person...

A Birth of Renewal and Healing: Rachel's VBA2C in the Hospital
In order to truly appreciate the events of our third labor and delivery, it’s helpful to flashback a few years to where our journey of...

Investing in Your Birth and Baby - Ways to Pay for the Birth You Both Deserve
When it comes to paying for different aspects of birth, the claim is often made that someone can't afford the cost of a service or...

The Spirit as Advocate and Guide: Aurora's Surprise Breech Birth at Home
I'll save you the suspense and deliver the punchline now - fourth baby, discovered breech after my water had already broken, born at...

Trust in Me: Rose's Redemptive and Nearly Pain-Free Birth Center Birth of Henry Wayne
After my daughter Eleanor turned 18 months, my husband and I decided that we wanted to try for our second baby. We were surprised when we...
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