1 on 1 Pregnancy and Birth Consult {90 Minutes}
This 90 minute private session is for anyone who would like to discuss a birth plan, talk through options, get guidance on pregnancy options, work through a previous birth experience, and/or gain an overall confidence for a future birth.
This session may be for you if:
• You'd like an objective perspective on your past experience or decisions you are currently facing.
• You're looking for help with questions on pregnancy and birth
• You'd like someone to help you process a traumatic or disappointing birth experience
• You have questions on interventions you received or are being offered
• You would like to walk through the decisions you are making for an upcoming birth
• You are looking for someone to pray with and for you as you prepare for birth
After purchase, a document will be emailed to you. This will ask you about your goals for our time together and a bit about you personally. I ask that you have it filled out and emailed back at least one day prior to our scheduled time together.
Once you've made your purchase I will email you within one business day to set up a date and time for us to meet. Wait time is dependent on availability and my personal schedule and could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, though "emergency" consults are sometimes possible.
Consults happen via FaceTime, direct phone call, or in person (local). During our time together we will pray together, talk through some of the questions on the form, and spend our time working through what is most important to you.
Please keep in mind that this session is not to offer medical advice or diagnoses. My primary role as a professional doula and birth consultant is to offer spiritual, informational, emotional support in your goals for your pregnancy, birth, newborn care, and postpartum time.